

Youth Network

SDSN Youth Andes is hosted by Yachay Tech University, one of four new ambitious universities that want to change the Ecuadorian production matrix with science and technology.


About the network

  • Host Institution

    Yachay Tech University



  • Countries within this network

    Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru

Our Impact

Meet our local team

Pedro Zamora

Pedro Zamora

Network Coordinator




Our Activities

Participation in SDSN Youth Mexico Activity / UAEM Hub

SDSN Youth Andes in partnership with SDSN Youth Mexico and the UAEM Hub plans to host a virtual reflection forum discussing the implementation of the 2030 agenda in LATAM. Through this forum, more organizations in the Americas region will have an opportunity to learn how they can partner and become members of SDSN Youth. The forum will also expand the perspectives of the youth about the 2030 agenda in LATAM and acknowledge their potential in contributing towards the achievement of the SDGs.

Launch an engagement strategy Member O, SSP, GSP, LPF and YSP

The Network intends to launch an engagement strategy that will ensure that the current efforts to engage Member Organizations, SDG Hub members, Global Schools Advocate, Local Pathway Fellows, and Youth Solutions Program members are consistent. The Network plans to reach the different people that are currently involved in these programs within the region, and explore new collaboration opportunities.

Pilot School Academy of SDGs (SSP-GSP cooperation in the Andes)

SDSN Youth Andes hosted educational sessions with different schools in the Andean region to educate the youth about the SDGs. The young people were also educated on how they can pioneer innovative solutions that can tackle global issues. The program reached 35 youth who attended the workshops.

Preparation to participate at the ICSD 2021

The Network has been preparing to participate at the 2021 International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD). They have developed a research project that tracks the SDG learnings from COVID-19 for science-informed decision-making.

SDSN Youth Andes Newsletter

As part of an ongoing program to engage youth in the Andes, the Network has continued to update youth on opportunities every two months. Through the newsletter, the network has been able to consistently share different volunteer action boosting opportunities to encourage partners.


The Network has launched a partnership with the Youth For Action (Unión Andina Juvenil) and the UNCTAD Youth Action Hub in Ecuador. The goal is to collaborate in planning a summit in 2021.

Explore our local members