

Youth Network

SDSN Youth Mediterranean is hosted by the Santa Chiara Lab Research & Innovation Centre of the University of Siena (Siena, Italy).


About the network

  • Host Institution

    University of Siena



  • Countries within this network

    Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey

Our Impact

Meet our local team

Alessandra Pumo

Alessandra Pumo

Network Coordinator


Deputy Network Coordinator, SDSN Youth Mediterranean


Eleonora De Pirro

Eleonora De Pirro

Deputy Network Coordinator




Chiara Guazzini

Chiara Guazzini

Network Coordinator




Our Activities

Networking event for Member organizations

In June, SDSN Youth Mediterranean plans to host a virtual networking event for member organizations from the Mediterranean region. The event will be an opportunity for these organizations to share initiatives, challenges, and proposals to find common interests and promote local and national engagement.

Action on SDG 11

Following the outcomes of the 92nd International Session of the European Youth Parliament (EYP) 2021 on SDG 11, the network plans to develop inputs and proposals in collaboration with SDSN Youth member organizations from the region to empower youth-led innovative solutions for the SDG 11.

Translation of SDSN Youth material

The network successfully translated the “Application form” and the “Membership Guide 2021” from English to Italian, available also in Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and French. This will facilitate the understanding of the Membership Program by youth led organizations.

Mediterranean Youth Solutions Report 2021

This past quarter, SDSN Youth Mediterranean launched the regional edition of the global SDSN Youth Solutions Report. The goal of the project is to collect and showcase innovative solution projects on the SDGs led by young people in the Mediterranean region and present them at the 19th Meeting of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD).

The Mediterranean Youth Solutions Report was launched in March 2022. It presented 29 sustainable and innovative solution projects, underlining the strategic role played by young people in a unique culturally and politically multifaceted region.


In the first quarter of 2021, the network partnered with: Liceo “Vittoria Colonna of Arezzo” (Italy), official member of the Global School Program of SDSN Youth, to host a webinar celebrating the UN International Days of Water and Forests; “Students for Sustainability” from the University of Brescia (Italy), to raise awareness on the UN 2030 Agenda and the localization of the SDGs during the fifth edition of the “Sustainability Festival on Garda”; Plan Bleu, one of the UNEP Regional Activity Centres of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP), to support the implementation of the MED 2050 project aimed at mobilizing different stakeholders from the region to share possible visions of the Mediterranean future by 2050; The Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), joining the Youth Working Group of ASviS involving more than 50 young people organizations.

Mapping expertise and initiatives

The network will develop a database of SDSN Youth Member Organizations from the Mediterranean to highlight best practices and projects being implemented that align to the SDGs. The goal is to identify common and specific interests from which to establish a strategic and solid collaboration among the different organizations.

SDSN Youth Participates at “Youth4Climate & Universities for the Future: Sparking Solutions for Climate Action”

SDSN Youth Participates at “Youth4Climate & Universities for the Future: Sparking Solutions for Climate Action”

SDSN Youth Mediterranean represented SDSN Youth and participated in the Turin Climate Event: A Platform for Youth, Academics, and Leaders in Climate Action organized by Politecnico di Torino, a co-host institution of SDSN Italy

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Call for Submissions: Mediterranean Youth Solutions Report

Call for Submissions: Mediterranean Youth Solutions Report

Call for submissions to increase the Network of sustainable development advocates in the Mediterranean region

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Explore our local members