Vatican Youth Symposium

Vatican Youth Symposium

Events & Webinars



Your questions about the Youth Membership Program, answered

  • How does the SDSN Youth Executive Team select the member organizations?

    The selection process consists of a criteria list:

    • Youth-led / youth-focused / SDGs
    • A social media platform / established community 
    • Organizational structure / organizational body / team-led structure / designated roles
    • Existing strategic partners/ collaborators
    • Activity and current projects

    Who does the SDSN Youth Membership Program work with?

    Universities, academic and cultural institutions, university teams, student associations, youth-led organizations, research institutions, community initiatives, and digital platforms. 

    What are the benefits of joining the Youth Membership Program?

    • Receive support for promising projects, through research assistance and other means
    • Reach a global audience
    • Get your opinions, campaigns, and initiatives published on our social media, blog, and newsletter, which are distributed to our members and followers worldwide
    • Be recognized as an official Member Organization of SDSN Youth
    • Network with like-minded organizations and individuals
    • Tap into your own potential to optimize your efforts and contribute towards a more sustainable and equal world

    What are some of the opportunities Member Organizations have as part of the program?

    • Attend quarterly conference calls held by Network Coordinators
    • Attend quarterly webinars with leading SDSN figures
    • Actively contribute to the SDSN Youth online platform for Member Organizations
    • Participate in local and global SDSN Youth events, projects, campaigns and initiatives
    • Promote SDSN Youth Membership through your social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) and mailing list
    • Share SDSN Youth's official logo (provided by SDSN Youth) on your website
    • Follow, like, and share SDSN Youth

    Learn more and join us

Our members come from different parts of Africa, the Americas, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific.

See all Member Organizations
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Highlights of the Vatican Youth Symposium 2021

The eighth annual Vatican Youth Symposium, co-hosted by SDSN Youth and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (PASS), gathered youth and world renowned leaders virtually December 15 - 17, 2021. 

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The Vatican Youth Symposium is back online for 2021!

Co-hosted by SDSN Youth and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (PASS), the Vatican Youth Symposium (VYS) brings together youth leaders and experts to strengthen the global movement for sustainable development.

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Vatican Youth Symposium 2016 - Youth and the Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges and Opportunities

On 30-31 October 2016, SDSN Youth assembled young leaders from a variety of disciplines including tech, advocacy, research and policy to the Vatican for a series of interactive workshops to trade knowledge, co-generate ideas and operationalize solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Vatican Youth Symposium 2020 Goes Virtual!

Traditionally held at the Casina Pio IV in Vatican City, the 2020 VYS will take on a virtual format due to the constraints of the global pandemic. While we will miss convening within the walls of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, and the ability to connect in-person, this virtual format has granted us with the opportunity to reach an even greater audience. 

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Vatican Youth Symposium 2019 Brings Together 85 Leaders to Develop Solutions for the SDGs

The Vatican Youth Symposium 2019 will take place at the Casina Pio IV in Vatican City on October 16. This year, it gathers more than 85 leaders and innovators to develop solutions and partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Vatican Youth Symposium 2017

The Vatican Youth Symposium served as a forum for intellectual and innovative discussion, on universal inequality, and the critical shift that is not only required but one that must be pragmatically driven by young people. Rather than mere symbolism and idealistic commentary, challenges within local contexts were considered, solutions were posed and action commenced.

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Vatican Youth Symposium 2018: Youth Leadership for Integral Human Development - Laudato Si

SDSN Youth in collaboration with the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS), will host the Vatican Youth Symposium at the Casina Pio IV in Vatican City. Youth Leadership for Integral Human Development - Laudato Si’ and the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Un tiempo para la juventud: el Simposio de los Jóvenes en el Vaticano 2016

En el Simposio de los Jóvenes en el Vaticano, tuvimos la ocasión de escuchar 47 propuestas, presentadas por parte de otros tantos delegados con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 30 años, que ya se están llevando a cabo de forma efectiva o están en las primeras fases de implementación, en materias tan relevantes como el tráfico de personas, la salud, la mejora de las condiciones laborales y la promoción de la cultura. Como parte de SDSN Youth, la cual organizó junto a la Pontificia Academia de las Ciencias el mencionado Simposio, fue un honor para mí y para el resto de miembros del equipo moderar los debates entre tan brillantes candidatos, liderar los grupos de trabajo y proveer a los delegados con las herramientas necesarias para que pudieran desarrollar al máximo su potencial.

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Recap of the Vatican Youth Symposium 2018

The 2018 Vatican Youth Symposium, which was jointly convened by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS) and SDSN Youth, brought together youth entrepreneurs, activists, and innovators for training in global development. The theme of the conference, which was Youth Leadership for Integral Human Development: Laudato Si’ and the Sustainable Development Goals, motivated participants to recommit themselves to partnerships for the 2030 Agenda and to their role as youth leaders for a brighter, better future.

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Vatican Youth Symposium 2017: Young Leaders Gather in the Vatican City to Tackle the World’s Biggest Challenges

Vatican City: On October 14-15, 2017 the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS), in collaboration with the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and its Youth Initiative (SDSN Youth), will host the fourth edition of the Vatican Youth Symposium within the headquarters of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Casina Pio in the Vatican City.

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Vatican Youth Symposium 2020

Providing a platform for young leaders in sustainable development to collaborate and develop partnership opportunities.

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Vatican Youth Symposium 2019

Co-hosted by SDSN Youth and Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS), the Symposium brings together more than 85 leaders and innovators in global development to develop solutions and partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Vatican Youth Symposium 2018

Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS) and SDSN Youth will partner together again to bring The Vatican Youth Symposium 2018 on Oct 31, 2018 at Casina Pio IV, Vatican City.

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Vatican Youth Symposium 2017

In Vatican City October 14-15 2017, 50 young leaders from 30 different countries convened to address this crisis.

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Vatican Youth Symposium 2016

On 30-31 October 2016, SDSN Youth assembled young leaders from a variety of disciplines including tech, advocacy, research and policy to the Vatican for a series of interactive workshops to trade knowledge, co-generate ideas and operationalize solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Re-watch the event
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